Welcome to the Posture Analysis Tool for iOS Page.
The Posture Analysis Tool for iOS is designed to aide the user in creating a posture analysis profile, step-by-step, for clients and/or customers. Although this tool was designed specifically for professional Pilates Instructors other medical and rehabilatative professions may also find it useful.
Analysis profiles can be saved for later retrieval, emailed on a professional and descriptive analysis form, and used to identify and correct, via Pilates training through a professional, the profile describing best one of four degenerate posture types.
Using the Posture Analysis Tool
Upon initial startup of the app a new, empty analysis is presented to the user.
Complete each section for the subject under analysis: plumb line, side view, front view, and back view.
A checkmark is visible on the right side of the cell upon completion of each item
Upon completion of all items the 'View Analysis' option on the main page will become selectable.
Tapping the menu button on the top right corner of the main page will allow the current profile to be saved, load a previously saved profile, email the current analysis profile document, or begin a new analysis.
Tapping the 'View Analysis' option from a completed analysis will display the percentages to which the subject under analysis fits a degenerate posture type
Tapping on a degenerate posture type will present the user with three progressivly difficult layers of each essential matwork, essential reformer, and matwork + reformer exercises for postural correction
Kyphosis-Lordosis essential matwork layer 1:
Selecting to email a completed analysis results in a PDF document which will resemble this: